All Posts - Page 3

Setting up EFS on EKS

Using EFS (or NFS when not on AWS) is a great way of providing persistance to services. There are many benefits over using the more traditional style of pre-allocated persistent block storage. This post describes how to get EFS working within EKS and some of the benefits NFS style storage brings.


Setting up OpenVPN on EKS

Adding VPN access your a Kubernetes cluster allows for internal users to use a cluster in a much more traditional manner, much like an intranet. This post describes how to set up OpenVPN to allow this kind of access.


Adding ingress-nginx to an EKS cluster

After standing up an EKS cluster in the previous post in this series, it's time to add an ingress controller so that services can be accessed from the outside the cluster. This post also describes how to set up cert-manager to automatically create and manage all SSL certificates.


Deckee and Flotespace meetup day on Sydney Harbour

While recently back in Australia we had a meetup day with Deckee and Flotespace. A great afternoon with some amazing minds and successful people coming together.


Creating a Kubernetes cluster on AWS

While AWS offers EKS, their own Kubernetes product, getting up and running can be a little involved compared to other providers such as GKE, AKS or Digital Ocean. This post walks through the steps required to get up and running.


Building a complete Kubernetes backed infrastructure

This post outlines a series of posts that I'm setting out to write about creating a business orientated Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.


Partitioning, formatting and permanently mounting an extra hard-drive in Ubuntu

Installing a permanent hard drive on a Linux system is actually a little more involved than many people might think if they haven't done it previously. This post walks through what is required for Ubuntu.


Building a WebXR version of Doom.

Algorithms, mathematics, revisiting childhood memories, cutting edge browser API's and virtual reality; The ultimate combination of factors for another personal project!
