Building a cheap AI/ML machine to run on a homelab kubernetes cluster
How I built a 48GB VRAM, 256GB RAM, 36 core / 72 thread, 24TB machine for about $1200.
ReadHow I built a 48GB VRAM, 256GB RAM, 36 core / 72 thread, 24TB machine for about $1200.
ReadEKS does not offer much in the way of a management console for Kubernetes. While there are some good Kubernetes GUI options out there, in some instances having a web version can be useful. This post describes how to set up Kubernetes Dashboard with full permissions.
ReadGithub actions provide a great way of doing small tasks through to full CI/CD work. This post discusses how to build a container and get a deployment rollout happening for a deployment on EKS.
ReadKubernetes RBAC API is a powerful tool that allows for some fine grained control over what users can do within a cluster. This post describes how you can create a new AWS IAM user, add them to an EKS cluster and assign them RBAC permissions.
ReadWhile Github's Package Registry and AWS ECR are viable options for storing your private docker containers, price can end up being an issue in both cases, especially if you deploy often and have containers that can be on the large side. Setting up a private registry on an EC2 instance is a relatively quick process and provides a fixed cost for usage.
ReadUsing EFS (or NFS when not on AWS) is a great way of providing persistance to services. There are many benefits over using the more traditional style of pre-allocated persistent block storage. This post describes how to get EFS working within EKS and some of the benefits NFS style storage brings.
ReadAdding VPN access your a Kubernetes cluster allows for internal users to use a cluster in a much more traditional manner, much like an intranet. This post describes how to set up OpenVPN to allow this kind of access.
ReadAfter standing up an EKS cluster in the previous post in this series, it's time to add an ingress controller so that services can be accessed from the outside the cluster. This post also describes how to set up cert-manager to automatically create and manage all SSL certificates.